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Experience Strategy Kit (ESK)



Experience Strategy Kit (ESK)

The Solution

Created a new design thinking approach delivered in and Axure document to combine all elements for product production to communicate and illustrate UX design ideas and research. The strategy kit provided access to all UX artifacts, user stories, data and research information. 

My Role & Responsibilities

  • Worked closely with my team to define the requirements of the Experience Strategy Kit (ESK)

  • Designed and created the ESK in Axure RP

  • Created the highly-successful experience brief program at AT&T that was instrumental in driving the achievement of digital success.

  • Built multiple pattern components to drive efficiency 

  • Educated business partners and stake holders on the use of the ESK

  • Led and facilitated educational meetings on using new Axure components and libraries

The Problem

Too many deliverable documents (Wireframes, COMPS, Redlines, Research, Data) were being created and delivered to cross functional teams for project execution making them hard to track.


Vision & Approach

We wanted to create one deliverable document that connected the business goals, customers needs and technical information in a way that was comprehensible to all project team members.

  • Create and implement Experience Strategy Kit (ESK)

  • A formal process integration of UX Research & Data

  • The collection and analysis of pre- and post-launch data to drive results

  • Cross-train talents across disciplines to allow UX sufficient flexibility to shift with changing business needs

Design Principles Applied

  • Effective solutions are born from data and insight

  • Understanding what drives customers

  • Great design is essential to business

  • Flexible and agile process guides that are supportive from definition through development

Experience Strategy Kit

A design thinking deliverable kit where all cross functional team members can access everything necessary to build world-class products.

Key components included:​

  • Experience brief

  • Customer research

  • Scenarios

  • User/task flows

  • High-level experience concepts

  • Prototypes

  • Content strategy direction

  • Wireframes

  • Visual compositions

  • Redlines

  • Sitemap

  • Reference materials & links


Experience Brief

A "Four Question" method to drive excellence and user-centric design solutions created for the team to define the problem to be solved, research the data relevant to the problem, to define success and how success is measured post launch.


Scenarios & User Flows

Defining scenarios tells stories that capture the goals, motivations, and tasks of a persona in a given context. User flows helped capture the functional requirements of a system and used for communicating ideas about user actions. 


Design Pattern Libraries

Pattern libraries of user interface design elements are used to ensure consistency and increased productivity.

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