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Orientation Scheduler

My Role

Sr. UX Designer – Conducted customer interviews and brainstorming sessions with users, Agile team and stakeholders, created concepts, sketches, journey maps, user flows, pseudo wireframes, comps, and prototypes for user feedback. Planned and conducted user research studies and interviews with users and customers.

The Problem

The CareRev staff managed orientation classes between the Facilities and Pros using GSheets and a lot of back and forth communication with the Pro and with the facility (i.e. CareRev is the middle person). The back-and-forth communication adds days sometimes months to the Pros on-boarding process (i.e. activation time) and causes friction for both the pro and the facility staff.

The Solution

Facility operators will be able to view and approve pros, manage and add orientation classes.

The Pro’s will be notified when approved, then sign up for classes on their mobile native apps.

The automation is to make sure the process continues without human intervention. With a focus on expediting the professionals journey with a significant reduction medium time for a professional picking up a shift and creating a lift in revenue. This will also reduce internal operation costs.


Key Activities & Findings

Research, Strategize an end-to-end newly automated self-service feature experience for Facilities and Pro’s to manage and schedule orientations.


  • Current Frustrations and pain points

  • What did they really want?

  • What did they  really need?

Intensive 4 - week research sprint.

  • Online interviews with 5 facilities and their scheduling operators. One onsite visit with an enterprise facility

  • Interviews with 10 professionals to understand their experience with onboarding and orientation

  • Interviewed and discussed pain points with several of our Internal operations teams

Takeaways:Facility interviews

The manual process is tedious and takes too much time for the pro to onboard

They want to approve pro’s before going into orientation

They want to reduce back and forth emails between CareRev Operations team

They want more control scheduling orientation classes

Takeaways:Professional usability studies

Manual process is tedious and takes up to 3 months to complete and claim first shift

Emails get lost in the back and forth communication between Pros and internal CR staff

Waiting for approvals from CR staff and Facilities are painfully slow

Takeaways:Internal Operations interviews

Some correspondence goes unnoticed, and the CareRev internal team has to spend time tracking down the FacOps

Too much time and energy spent adding classes and registering pros manually

Getting approval from the FacOps is tedious, putting this step directly in the hands of the Fac Ops would eliminate tension and time spent on this manual process

Conceptualize Project Level

Created current and proposed user flows, journey maps for Facilitators and Pros and presented insights to stakeholders

Current and Proposed Flows

  • The current processes were done manually and in the CareRev internal tool.

  • The current flow took a lot of time and effort from our CareRev operations team

  • The proposed flow will automate the Orientation process saving time and will speed up the time for pros to onboard and claim their first shift

Project Srategy Flow

  • Organized the project strategy in phases

  • Determined which processes would be in-app and which were still done manually and in the internal tool

Facility Journey Map (pre-project)

Pain points

  • Some correspondence goes unnoticed

  • The manual process is tedious and takes up valuable time

  • It is difficult to set up orientation times between pros and facilities with CR being the middle man taking up valuable time for everyone involved

Professional Journey Map (pre-project)

Pain points

  • Some correspondence goes unnoticed

  • The manual process is tedious and takes up valuable time

  • It is difficult to set up orientation times between pros and facilities with CR being the middle man taking up valuable time for everyone involved

Key Performance Indicators

  • Facility schedulers will manage their orientation classes in the web app (adoption/usage goals).

  • The time it takes for a Pro to register for an orientation class should decrease (decreased activation time goal).

  • The “time spent” by CareRev staff scheduling orientation will decrease.


Figure: Current and proposed flow


Figure: Project Strategy flow


Figure: Facility operator journey map (pre-project)


Figure: Professional journey map (pre-project)


Brainstorm, Conceptualize & Design

This was a huge effort and we needed to be organized, once the strategy was organized and finalized I commenced with the design phase.

User Flows and Sketches

The first step was to provide user flows (all flows) and rough sketches. We started with the orientation professional queue (Facilities web app) and the native app designs. Followed up with ‘Approve pro, Upcoming orientations and Add Classes. Our agile team spent several sprints on the internal tool 'Shed' which didn't require UI/UX design which allowed me to move ahead of engineering 

Sketches, user flows findings

  • An orientation section in the action center would be added (Facilities web app)

  • Use a tabbed solution for each task. This solution will align with the current design pattern (Facilities web app)

  • Professionals would start from the invite via their inbox (Pro native app)


  • Many design iterations

  • Communicated and collaborated with my team every step of the way

  • Presented designs to stakeholders and the whole design team at each milestone

  • Due to design components being defined, and a tight deadline, I skipped conventional wireframes. This also saved time when I finalized the designs


Figure:Facility user flow

Figure: Professional user flow

Sketches for facilities web app and professional native app

Orientation Scheduler Professional (Figma comps)

Figure: Sample of many native app FIgma comps

Orientation Scheduler Facilities (Figma comps)

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.


Test & Refine

I created interactive prototypes to validate our solution. Because we didn't have a UX research team in place yet, I partnered with my Product Manager and we planned, created, and moderated the usability tests and interviewed Facility Operators and the internal Ops team. My PM recruited the test subjects and facility operators and I planned the method and created the script and prototypes.

  • Developed several prototypes for the new automated Orientation Scheduler and current Onboarding flows for Professionals

  • One prototype for the new automated online Orientation Scheduler for Facility Operators


  • Unmoderated in a moderated environment test Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (RITE)

  • Interviews with Facility Operators and Internal Ops team


  • Professional tests

    • Found it very easy to use

    • Very excited that this would help them get through the onboarding process faster and enable them to claim their first shift faster

    • Content had a different meaning to them than what was intended

    • Some messaging had a color that was misinterpreted as links

    • The status indicators were confusing (icons)

  • Facility Operators and Internal teams

    • Very excited about the new feature. “This will make our lives so much easier!”​

    • A few of our enterprise hospitals have orientation in one week. That is 2 to 3 classes that had to be completed in one week

    • There was a need for a list of past classes, not just upcoming classes

Prototype for Automated Orientation Scheduler for Professionals

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